DURATION: from 04/01 while stocks last
LOCATION: Saigon Centre
Receive Saigon Centre gift cards valued VND200,000 with the total spending from VND2,000,000 at Tet Fair.
- Promotion duration: from 04/01/2020 while stocks last.
- The promotion is applicable for Rewards+ members with the total spending from VND2,000,000 at Saigon Centre Tet Fair at level 1.
- Each member can redeem maximum 02 gift cards throughout the promotion.
- Receipts from booths at Saigon Centre Tet Fair can be combined and only valid for redemption on the same date of purchase.
- Shoppers have to present products purchased & receipts upon redemption.
- Retail tenants & their staff are not eligible to participate.
- By providing personal information for Saigon Centre, shoppers agree that Saigon Centre can use them to promote the mall's upcoming promotion programs.
- In addition to terms and conditions stated in this promotion, members must comply with terms and conditions of Rewards+ loyalty program.
- Saigon Centre Management reserves the right to change the rules & regulations as and when necessary.